
Stinker of the Month / June 2023: PP

What’s your name?: PP

How old are you?: 4

How did you meet your mom/dad/parents?: Some nice men rescued me from a parking lot and I was lucky enough to be brought to my dad.

How stinky are you?: Oh, I can be quite the little stinker - just ask my parents and fur siblings.

What’s your favorite treat?: I love tortillas and will sneak one right off the counter when no one is looking!

Where is your favorite place to sleep?: I can find a comfortable spot almost anywhere, but I love the cozy chair in mom's office or the cat tree.

What is your perfect day?: Curling up with my parents in the morning, followed by some critter watching on the catio and most importantly wrestling with my best pal, Houdini!

What’s the most ornery thing you’ve ever done?: I love sneaking outside to eat grass, but I especially upset mom when I do it right before bed time!

What are some fun facts about you?: I am one of 7 fur kids in my house (3 pups, 3 cats including myself and a conure!). I don't have a loud voice - I squeak! I only come out of hiding for people I really trust, so I have a few great hiding spots.@ppkittenandfriends 🐾

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