What's your name?: Dewey
How old are you?: 10 Months Old
How did you meet your mom/dad/parents?: They gave me the loudest craziest home ever with an old hound, 2 cats I battle with, and 5 obnoxious but sweet kids.
How stinky are you?: I mean. I'm a bloodhound
What's your favorite treat?: Chicken.
Where is your favorite place to sleep?: Well, I like to chew things, so a crate beside my mama.
What is your perfect day?: A good breakfast, chasing a cat, chewing a bone, helping the little humans with school, and going on a big hike and watching the big humans mountain bike.
What's the most ornery thing you've ever done?: Stealing all the fresh vegetables mom picks from the garden every morning.
What are some fun facts about you?: I'm enormous. I'm scared of my shadow. I throw epic temper tantrums and my two year old human sister and I are partners in crime. 🐾
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